“It is well with my soul.” This phrase is a constant meditation of my heart; these lyrics play in my mind as a reminder – despite situation or circumstances, soul, it is well with you. These words originate in an old hymn, guaranteed to make me cry every time – a song so powerful that a few lines, or even just a few chords, have me welling up. It is well with my soul. These lyrics, penned by Horatio Spafford in 1873, are the inspirational revelation of a man who had every fleshly reason to be an absolute mess. Yet, this declaration of faith has echoed through the generations. His only son died in 1871, still an infant. Weeks later he lost all his real estate investments in the Great Chicago fires, losing all his savings. He and his wife started a charity to help victims of the fires. In 1873, he decided to take his family to Europe for a break from their emotionally taxing work, however, he was delayed at the last minute with business and sent his family – his wife and 4 daughters – ahead. There was an accident at sea and the ship sank within 12 minutes. Two hundred and twenty-six souls perished. He received a telegram from his wife saying, “Saved alone”. Immediately he boarded a ship to join his grieving wife. He asked the Captain to tell him when they were passing through the waters where the ship had sunk. In the middle of the night, the Captain woke him. In the depths of that
night, while passing through the very waters that claimed the life of his four daughters, he was inspired to write these powerful words: “When peace like a river attendeth my way,When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to knowIt is well, it is well, with my soul” This song is a victorious declaration of faith. God is above my circumstances, in peace and in sorrow. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than any attack of Satan. The bliss of knowing our sin has been nailed to the Cross, and the reminder that Christ will return triumphant one day. All written by a man who had lost everything and was in the depths of grief and suffering. A man who chose to allow his soul to be Spirit-led. Horatio’s words are so stirring, they awaken something within me. King David writes in a similar vein in Ps 62: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him”. David’s life was under attack with people out to kill him, and, as king, they would probably kill all his family too. In this likely state of fear he, too, speaks to his soul, reminding himself that God is his rest and his hope. I do not know the deep grief of the Spafford family, nor the fear of having my life under threat. I do still have fears, griefs and worries in my life, times when big feelings naturally want to run their course. In those times, I am learning to choose to be led by the Spirit and not my flesh, to remind my soul to find rest in God, that my hope is in a faithful God; to remind myself, and declare in faith, that whatever my lot, it is well with my soul.