I recently found myself in Melbourne for an ACC Pastor’s gathering with Ric. When we arrived at the accommodation organised for us, we discovered that our hotel was a true 5 star! We were bedazzled by the marble staircases, glass chandeliers, waterfalls and statues. We were greeted with stunning service and surrounded by beautiful fresh floral arrangements. We actually tried to beat the concierge back to our room, confident that he couldn’t possibly have managed to get our bags up to the 14th floor before us, but, as we alighted in the elevator foyer, he was there to greet us at our door with a broad smile.
By the time we entered our room, I was grinning like a kid in a toy store! The room was so beautiful I almost did carpet angels on the floral flooring! I ran my hands over the textured wallpaper and beautiful linens on the bed, opened every cupboard door and drawer to explore, then gasped as I entered a huge bathroom, floor-to-ceiling marble and every possible consideration provided for in the amenities. I even skyped Charlie, my daughter, to take her on the tour! It was breathtaking!
We had time to further explore, so we hit the hotel restaurant and discovered a chocolate fountain and waffle bar for breakfast! White and dark chocolate, do you mind? With ice cream! For breakfast! I pulled out my phone to take photos and then made Ric take selfies with me in front of the floral arrangements. I was way too ecstatic to analyse my upper, middle bogan behaviour – I was having too much fun!
That night, as we returned to our room, we noticed that the turn-down service had been and gone, slippers placed by our bed, curtains drawn and sheets turned down. After an extremely long and indulgent hot shower (which we don’t get the luxury of having at home, sharing the hot water with eight other people) I fluffed my feather pillow and slunk into the 1000 count cotton sheets, sighing deeply with the words floating around my head, “I feel expensive.”
It was at that moment that I felt the Father lean in. That’s what we call a Kairos moment – a moment in time when the Lord leans in and you know He has something to say to us. He simply said, “Yes, my daughter. You were very expensive.”
I meditated on that thought as I drifted into a luxurious sleep. The next day, we had the opportunity to stroll down the banks of the Yarra River between sessions, absorbing the sights and sounds of Melbourne. Again, those words echoed in my head as I reflected on the incredible faithfulness of God and the sacrifice of Jesus for me. Heaven bankrupted itself for me! What a thought!
1 John 3:1 says, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!”
How do we comprehend the price that Jesus paid to die for my sins and restore me to relationship with Father God? How do I begin to understand my worth and value to Him? It’s pretty mind-blowing stuff. As giddy as I was roaming my hotel, I don’t want to forget to be awed and grateful to a Saviour who knew I would be expensive, but thought I was worth every drop of blood He shed.