by sncadmin | May 11, 2017 | Blog |
By now, I’m sure you have all heard something about a series that aired on Netflix earlier this year called “13 Reasons Why.” The premise of the show is that of the suicide death of a teen girl and the tapes she left behind explaining the reasons for her...
by sncadmin | Apr 13, 2017 | Blog |
Traditions play an important role in creating the unique fabric of our families. Certainly, the things we celebrate, and the way we celebrate, weave together to create the cultural texture of our family, building memories that we reflect on for the rest of our...
by sncadmin | Apr 4, 2017 | Blog |
Just before the New Year rolled around, Jesse and I spent some time on holidays in Queensland – bliss! While we were there we woke up each morning and spent an hour or so walking along the beach and talking about 2016 and our dreams for 2017. Jesse asked me a...
by sncadmin | Apr 4, 2017 | Blog |
I was so excited When Pastors Ric and Naomi started talking about the vision for this year. I love change and every change they spoke of excited my spirit! Then Pastor Ric said, “Our theme for this year is ‘a BIG...
by sncadmin | Apr 4, 2017 | Blog |
Colour Conference 2017. Another fabulous year of gathering in His wonderful name as a company of women seeking His heart, His ways, His Kingdom come. It was stunning, as usual. But, for me, this Colour took a whole new level of awesomeness because,...
by sncadmin | Apr 4, 2017 | Blog |
A few weeks ago, I came home from my first Colour in years feeling…. well, FEELING SO MUCH!!!(Can anyone relate?!) So much had been stirred and pressed and changed and touched within me. The whisper of the Lord had planted seeds of faith, had watered my soul and had...