by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
Psalm 23:5: You serve me a six-course dinner…right in front of my enemies. Psalm 23 would have to be my most favourite place in the Word to sit and marinate in. Revelation after revelation each and every time I read...
by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
On Mother’s day this year, our very own Pastor Naomi brought an encouraging word on remaining grateful and I was inspired and challenged to find new frontiers to extend my gratefulness in various ways. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “Give thanks in all...
by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
Life jacket, oxygen mask, whistle and light to attract attention, take note of the exit signs! My screaming mind was racing with questions as the flight attendants gave their calm demonstration. Exit! How does one exit a moving plane? I selected...
by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
Have you ever prayed and asked God a question, and heard a completely different answer to what you were expecting? Ever made assumptions about how God answers our prayer or the way things ‘should’ go? This was part of a journey I embarked on last...
by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
I have a pet peeve when it comes to certain habits of my family members. I mean, how hard is it to recognise that the garbage bin is really full when surrounded by a moat of rubbish? And what an incredible mystery it is that at some magical point during...
by sncadmin | Jan 9, 2017 | Blog |
Our family have recently become recipients of Gods abundant generosity which has left me feeling very challenged. Last spring we planted the first crops in our veggie garden. Cucumber, eggplant and tomatoes. Shortly after that, our second son was born...