Forty one years ago, Strong Nation Church was planted in the Hawkesbury Valley, known as Hawkesbury Christian Centre. In 1985, the local squash courts were purchased with the help of 4 founding families, who mortgaged their own homes to create a home for the congregation. It took another 16 years for the purpose-built auditorium to be completed, with the extraordinary generosity of the church family, and the facilities have continued evolving as we have sought to meet the needs of the church family and the wider community.
Strong Nation Church expanded its borders and planted a church in Springwood in the beautiful Blue Mountains in the wake of the destructive bushfires of 2013.
It has been faithfully meeting and growing at Ellison Public School in Springwood for 9 years. Now it is time for them to establish a home of their own so that they can continue to flourish and to serve their local community.
This year, in March, we are launching a Special Building Fund Pledge to achieve that aim. As the broader church, we will be praying and seeking the Lord about how we can all contribute to making that dream a reality.
For any other enquiries, please contact Bruce Gabin on 02 4577 6555 or [email protected].